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The Lord has been working miracles as we move forward as a family of faith!

This week I received an urgent message from pianist, Ian Mulder, who will be playing a concert for us on December 17th.  (Don't miss it!)  He is President of the Beethoven Foundation which he founded several years ago.  Their purpose of the foundation is to help provide pianos for talented students who would not otherwise be able to  grow in their keyboard skills as well as for venues when a need arises.  This week the foundation received the gift of a magnificent 9' Kawai Concert Grand Piano and amazingly, he felt the Lord telling him that He wanted the Moving Forward Church to be the recipient.  I received his call on Wednesday and it was already delivered last night!  It is truly magnificent!!!  To God Be the Glory.  Thanks to the Beethoven Foundation, Ian Mulder, Lambert Moving and Storage, and our friends at Trinity Methodist in Opelika for providing a temporary home for this amazing gift.