As members of Auburn UMC, we were concerned about the direction the United Methodist Church was headed. From those concerns a group called Moving Forward was created with the goal of discernment that would educate the whole congregation on the issues that would end in a vote to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church. After many delay tactics of the Stay UMC pastor, and a majority vote of the congregation to enter discernment, 33 people on the Administrative Board voted to not allow discernment to a congregation of 3,000. So, we were called to walk away.
God is Great!
After grieving, God led us to remain together. We have been a laity led congregation, including our awesome Music Minister, Gary Klarenbeek. Voting to join Global Methodist and calling our first minister, Dr. Tony McCullough, we are a group full of joy and forgiveness, praying for God’s guidance. We are currently meeting at Lee-Scott Academy with a group of over 400.
We would love for you to join us and feel the joy while praising God for all He has done.
Our new name is Christ Methodist Church of Auburn.
With a new weekday space at Greystone Office and Ministry Center on Magnolia Avenue and the hiring of our First Senior Minister, Dr. Tony McCullough, we look forward to seeing where God leads us next
Come worship, praise, and serve with us!
God is Good!
Thanks be to God!